Saturday, July 01, 2006

Career Plans

So barring my finding gainful employment with a biomedical engineering degree, two actually should I actually manage to get into graduate school, I think I have enough entrepreneurial ideas to choke a small to medium sized horse, or if you prefer, a large pony. A couple more of them to throw on to the pile after a night out. So Jim and I went to Applebee's, which contrary to prior sources apparently does not microwave all of their food, although I'm still not completely sold. Apparently Annie works there, so Applebee's becomes one of those places to go to commiserate about how many people we know work in places like that, although its still early for Annie.

In any event, we got to talking about service and restaurants. According to my parents, service in restaurants is almost like no service at all, whether they're either letting you enjoy your meal or are just too good to actual see if you need anything is up to debate. Jim says that he likes when you don't even have to ask and they just show up, mainly at Asian restaurants, like ninjas. It dawns on me: what if you had a restaurant where all of the waiters were ninjas? How great would that be? If they toss a smoke bomb at your table, put your food down and leave. When the smoke clears, its as though your food has magically appeared. Its both food and entertainment.

Apparently, there is an actual company that supplies all of the useless shit that gets thrown on walls in places like Applebee's, TGI Friday's, Bennigan's and other establishments like that. I always figured they just showed up at the ends of flea markets and just threw everything in the back of a truck. But according to the map at Applebee's, there are over 1700 locations nationwide, with more opening all the time I would imagine. Additionally, there are probably expansions and turnover, so add that in. If there is one supplier of useless crap, those guys have got to be making a mint. Figure there's at least 5 major chains that throw useless shit on the wall. Thats 8500 restaurants needing enough crap to throw around however many square feet. Serious bank. So how does one such as myself get into the useless shit business? I figure I need to start stockpiling useless shit, undercutting competitors, and pretty much play like Wal-Mart until I can buy out said competitors and own the useless shit landscape.

So add that onto whatever else I've got.


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