Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Breaking News Bulletin

So apparently Corzine and Cody and whoever else is making the decisions in New Jersey finally managed to get a budget passed. So now the state can go back to work, especially the all important casinos. This seems to be the least fun method of resolving this. Even as a resident of the state, I would find it amusing if another state, say New York or California for instance, picked up the tab for New Jersey. It's essentially what the US and the other G8 countries have been doing with consolidated African debt for years. Why Bob Geldoff feels the need to be such a prick. But for me, the funniest part would be renaming the state. What if New Jersey became, say, New New York? Personally, I'd prefer East California. Not only does it sound like a third tier university, much like Appalachian State, but there's a distinct lack of states with East in them, or West for that matter. A lot of North and South. Also, I think it would do a lot to clean up New Jersey's image. I mean California is hip, it's trendy. New Jersey is two guys from Bayonne in an El Camino. But put those two guys in say a 2007 Cadillac Escalade and it's an instant upgrade. Either that or they're extras from the Sopranos.


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