Monday, October 30, 2006


So I realize I've dropped the ball for about a month and a half now. I'm going to try to get back to the schedule that I originally set for myself, which, as I recall was at least 2 posts a week. While there's still certainly more to distill here, I just want to throw this question out as the basis for this post: If you weren't in whatever field you're in now, what would you be doing instead? For example, as previously stated in past posts, I am a biomedical engineer by trade or major or whatever. But if I wasn't majoring in biomedical engineering, what would I be doing instead? I've given it some thought. I figured that the two things I particularly enjoy are music and then science. But I haven't been delusional enough to think that there's really a future for me as a professional musician in a long time. Although someone asked me recently what my dream job would be. The long, convoluted answer, barring qualifications, was that I'd have liked to be a music reviewer for Rolling Stone or some such publication. So that leaves me with the whole science thing. I figure I'd probably have ended up in either physics or mechanical engineering. I don't think I have it in me right now to say that I'd have ended up in medical school, so that's that.


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