Monday, September 11, 2006

Virtual Reality

So this is really just an idea for a video game. To the best of my knowledge, the only video game remotely related to the Congressional Medal of Honor is the Medal of Honor series. There are over 3,400 recipients since it's inception in 1862. Thats 144 years of US military history, not to mention the greatest military actions performed by one person. Spanning 6 major conflicts, not to mention smaller actions in between, there would be enough gameplay to span several titles, not to mention that there are hundreds from World War II alone. Give a gamer the opportunity to play as these factual heroes, give them a history lesson at the same time, and make damn sure that the next generation knows what they did, not to mention how hard it was. Example:

Beauford T Anderson
When a powerfully conducted predawn Japanese counterattack struck his unit's flank, he ordered his men to take cover in an old tomb, and then, armed only with a carbine, faced the onslaught alone. After emptying 1 magazine at pointblank range into the screaming attackers, he seized an enemy mortar dud and threw it back among the charging Japs, killing several as it burst. Securing a box of mortar shells, he extracted the safety pins, banged the bases upon a rock to arm them and proceeded alternately to hurl shells and fire his piece among the fanatical foe, finally forcing them to withdraw. Despite the protests of his comrades, and bleeding profusely from a severe shrapnel wound, he made his way to his company commander to report the action. T/Sgt. Anderson's intrepid conduct in the face of overwhelming odds accounted for 25 enemy killed and several machineguns and knee mortars destroyed, thus single-handedly removing a serious threat to the company's flank.

I suppose having an entire game of these might near impossible standards, but I'm sure someone out there has enough free time on his/her/its hands to do it.


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