Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Gentlemen's Guide

So those who know me, know I am a classy individual. Just look at my facebook picture. Well tonight at dinner over at the Bob Evan's Restaurant, which, incidentally is not half bad, I mentioned that if I were ever on a talk show, preferably a late night one, for whatever reason, I would come out in top hat and tails and be like, "Sorry, I just came straight over from the gym." As though top hat and tails are my gym/screwing around clothes.

Fast forward to about 9:00 PM. In Barnes & Nobles we find this book in a bargain bin entitled The Gentlemen's Guide to Grooming and Style. It's like a style bible. Everything from shaving to cufflinks and canes. After flipping through this while waiting for the 10:35 showing of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, I have decided something. While I may start slow, once I reach a stable financial point in life, I want to start following this book. Get some nice tailored suits and shirts. A hat. A cane with a flask in it. A dressing gown. Basically I want to be Hugh Hefner. Maybe a bit classier, but I don't know that that can be pulled off. Sadly, as having no real job to speak of this summer, I had to leave the purchasing to Jim. But I know it exists now.


At Wed Aug 09, 08:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is definitely preferable, or at least less weird, than your brother-in-law, who has expressed a desire to dress like Jean Valjean or some sort of mid-Victorian gentleman.

So should we get you cuff links for Christmas?

At Thu Aug 10, 04:40:00 PM, Blogger ranbom said...

I think I have a pair of cuff links already. Or had. Maybe Dan stole them.

Personally I have no problem with the whole Victorian gentleman, but Jean Valjean? Who would play Javert?

At Wed Aug 30, 10:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see Dan as Javert.

But the early, menacing Javert who everyone else knows is doomed to fail in the end, who nevertheless wields his authority with abandon.

Not the jumping-off-a-bridge part.


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