Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Retroactive English

So this post should actually have been posted in the middle of the summer, but at this point I find it hard to care. I am guessing that maybe about 60% of you have not heard about the whole debacle with Geno's Steaks in Philadelphia this summer. The news story is here. And as I sat in the Union tonight, listening to a table speaking in nothing but Spanish, or at least what I assume to be Spanish, I wondered what it might be like to be that counterman at Geno's. Quite frankly, I don't see anything wrong with what Vento did, although I've not heard recently of any sort of resolution. Is this equivalent to the days of Colored only restaurants and bathrooms? No. Not by a long shot. If these people are indeed here illegally, it would behoove them to learn the language, at least enough to get by. And as to these "community leaders" who take offense to this and consider bringing a class action suit? I would certainly think that you would have more important things to do with your time than worry about something that, in my opinion, is designed more to help than to hurt or discriminate. America's for Americans, or at least those who speak Americanese. Or is it Americish?


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