Presidential Elections
Just a couple things here, although note that this may lead to a torrential downpour of retroactive blog posts.
Upon starting up Internet Explorer this afternoon, loads up, as it is the default homepage for IE7, and I haven't felt like changing it since updating this summer. The first thing that catches my eye is one of these slideshow things that seem to be all the rage lately. the story being displayed contains the headline: "Can Anyone Beat Clinton?" And there's this picture of a very haggard looking Hilary Clinton. So my question is this: does anyone think Hilary Clinton is starting to look like Richard Nixon? She has these very defined jowl lines. Either that or by the time her first term in office, more on that later, is over she'll look like the Emperor from Star Wars.
This whole situation with the unstoppable political juggernaut that is Hilary. Rodham. Clinton. (in the Tim Russert style) takes me back to last year. Specifically to Monday Night Football. It was a game between the Arizona Cardinals and the Chicago Bears. Famous for the Cardinals collapse and coach Dennis Green's postgame tirade, which included, among other things, the line "If you want to crown them, then crown their asses!" It just seems to me that everyone has given up hope on the rest of the Democratic candidates and seems ready to just hand the nomination over to Hilary Clinton. Let me remind you what happened to those Chicago Bears. Sure they made it to the Super Bowl, but were beaten by the Colts and, at that time, Peyton "Always the bridesmaid never the bride" Manning. So maybe Hilary does get the Dems nomination and goes head to head with, oh I don't know, John McCain. Or better yet, Ross H. Perot. And maybe, because she doesn't strike me as the most likeable, more on that later, or genuine person, she'll lose. And then it'll be another four years of bleeding heart liberals bitching and moaning about how the Republicans are screwing everything up and we could do so much better if we just had the chance.
Which brings me to another point. There's this whole stink about this ad run by in the New York Times about Gen. David Petraeus, calling him Gen. Betray Us. I think this may have something to do with why middle America does not like Democrats. All of these pinko pansy liberals spouting off about how America's military is screwing up does not endear the entire party to those of us in the middle. Likewise with the ultra-conservatives. I would have thought that both parties would have learned these things by now. Maybe it's about time that Howard Dean sits down with the people at and says "Listen, we appreciate what you're doing. Really we do. But back off. It's not helping."
Back to Hil-Dog. Sort of. There are all of these facebook applications these days. One of them is showing who you support for your candidates. And I was wondering whether or not I really support any candidates. I suppose I'll put Rush Holt on that list, because I think he's done a bang up job the past few years. But aside from him, who is there? Specifically for the presidential race. Which brings me to this point. If I don't want to vote for someone, can I vote against someone? Is that possible? I mean in the long run, it doesn't make a difference, particularly if I reside in either New York or New Jersey, two predominantly Democratic states. There it's just another drop in the bucket, but still it makes a statement. Specifically, it says "No, Hilary Clinton. I don't want you as my president." Of course some might say I should just vote for a third party candidate, but then I might as well not vote.
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